In this course, Supervisor’s Guideline for the Marine Industries, you will gain the essential skills to implement and supervise effective fall prevention measures in marine environments. By the end, you will be able to conduct thorough equipment checks and ensure the correct use of personal protective equipment, leading to improved safety compliance on decks and scaffolding. You will also understand and summarize the critical areas needing supervision, and be able to explain why these spaces are often susceptible to falls, based on standard safety guidelines in the marine industry.

In this training course on WSH Management System for the Marine Industries, you will learn how to implement a Workplace Safety and Health Management System (WSHMS) tailored for shipyard environments. By the end of the course, you'll be ready to use industry-specific templates and guidelines to ensure compliance with safety regulations. You will also understand the key components of a WSHMS, which are essential for maintaining high safety and health standards in the marine industry.